As for fun, “30 ROCK” could be a very good shot.
說到輕鬆有趣,我想《30 ROCK》會是個不錯的選擇。
I didn’t know who Tina Fey was until last month knowing this name has once come out from someone’s mouth in year 2008. That is how I started watching her popular TV show, “30 ROCK.” Ever since that point, I have been laughing crazily hard watching it.
要不是在上個月知道Tina Fey這個名字曾經在2008年從某個人的嘴巴說出,我可能至今仍不知道Tina Fey這個人,而這也是我會開始看她自編自導自演的影集《30 ROCK》的契機。從那時起,每一次看這部影集,我總是笑得亂七八糟。
“Look! I’m the lady from Flashdance!” this guy said.

When I saw this, I just couldn’t help but laughed hysterically. Right, right, right. The debut of our super star, Jennifer Beals.
當我看到這裡,我不能自己地笑得東倒西歪。對啦!對啦!對啦!我們家Jennifer Beals當年初試啼聲之作。

After that, our dearest Liz Lemon said she has been to Germany ‘partying’ a lot. Though that was actually a lie, she did do some photography…
在這之後,劇中親愛的Liz Lemon又說她大學時在德國也有過很多狂歡的經驗;儘管這不過是她編出的謊言,她卻真的在那裡照過些相…

Then, I almost burst into tears. OK! If you want to play in this way, I will join the game, too. How about this, Tina?

What can I say? Shouldn’t I call this Tina Fey Glory? (laugh)
我能說什麼嗎?我難道不應該稱這個為「Tina Fey的榮光」嗎?﹝笑﹞
Tina Fey Fantasy
2 則留言:
What else can I say? :P