Last Friday, we finally got to move to our new lab. Yeah, finally. We sat in the nicely organized and sunny office – chatting. Then, the subject jumped to that 30-day free trial of…
What is WoW? World of WarCraft. Right! The famous/immense 3D online game.
One weekend passed and I got Justin’s invitation lying in my mailbox on Monday morning. Great! However, first problem I encountered wasn’t how to play the game but how to name my character. Sitting in front of my computer, watching plenty names flying over my head, I just had no idea.
Till the last minute… “OK! That’s it!” Here she came! Hollo.
Why Hollo? Well, it's a female character, not a man. So... I think you got my point.
DIVA:Bette無意間發現Tina在網路聊天室裡搞線上性交,如果妳發現妳的伴侶也玩起這個呢? Lu:針對Tina這一部分,我曾經對Ilene﹝Chaiken,《The L Word》的作者和執行製作﹞略有微詞;我不認為這是Tina會做的事,不過這看起來也像是Tina一個值得去探究的黑暗面。我自己是不會做這種事的,我視那為背叛,所以如果我的伴侶這麼做的話,我想我也會面對面跟他談清楚。
《C SEE SAY 西子贊》 Lu,這個本名叫Laurel Holloman的人,雖然是個彷彿足以撼動我的全世界的人,但是在美國這個人才濟濟的大塊土地上她上過的雜誌仍是屈指可數,多數的訪談都是在網路上唾手可得的線上刊物或是自由撰稿人的第一手報導,於是就在回頭追溯她那我來不及參與的過往時,我來到這一篇2007年刊登在英國《DIVA》雜誌上的訪問。「尖銳、甚至有點刻薄地讓人感到匪夷所思」是我第一時間對這幾個提問的感受,誰會傻到提「如果妳的另一半背叛」這種敏感問題?尤其是在Lu才剛生完第一個小寶寶不久?不過,坦白如Lu、真誠如Lu,只要妳問、她就敢答;她從自己的角度出發,不閃躲問題,就像坐在妳我身邊的好朋友一樣提出她的想法,真心希望對妳說話,真心希望她的回答能對妳有所啟發,這就是Lu,這就是Laurel Holloman。
《PREFACE 前言》 They didn’t kiss, as we all knew. However, we didn’t know why exactly until this mystery was unveiled by both of them. See how Jennifer Beals and Dana Delany said about that scene in “The L Word.” 她們沒有接吻,就如我們都知道的,但直到她們親口說出來前,我們不完全清楚那究竟是怎麼一回事。看看Jennifer Beals和Dana Delany怎麼談在《The L Word》的那一幕。
Article: From "CURVE", Jan, 2008 & "", Feb 18, 2010 Translation: cissi 原文:摘自《CURVE》2008年1月&《》2010年2月18日 翻譯:西西
Advocate:女同志們大多知道妳在《The L Word》裡的演出,妳在拍攝當中最難忘的一刻是什麼時候? Dana Delany:妳知道的,我必須說…即使我只演出一集,我永遠也忘不了那次經驗。我抵達溫哥華那天是星期日,《The L Word》劇組正在拍戲,然後Jennifer Beals邀我到她的拖車裡討論劇情;我去了,然後她很堅定地說我們將不會接吻,她說:「妳知道的,我曾經背叛了我的女朋友很長一段時間,現在我們終於復合了…所以我真的沒辦法這麼做,我必須守護這一段感情。」我當時相當地失望﹝笑﹞。我對她說:「如果在《The L Word》裡妳不吻一個女孩,妳還能做什麼呢?」我繼續對她說:「那我們能演得幾近接吻嗎?因為那個可能可以做得更性感。」於是她說:「嗯,沒問題。」這就是後來妳們看到的,我想,在某種程度上,那是更性感的。
﹝註1:此篇訪問是在《The L Word》片場進行的。當天接受訪問的有Jennifer Beals和Laurel Holloman,而Jennifer在Laurel之後受訪。受訪時,可能旁邊來來去去的人很多,所以Jennifer一下子拉Ilene來答,一下子又是Cynthia Summer,當然,也少不了跟Laurel打情罵俏一番。﹞ ﹝註2:Jennifer用的字是「吸吮」。﹞
《C SEE SAY 西子贊》 這一幕,總是朋友口中那「最火辣」的一幕;這一幕,也正是朋友口中那「JB不願意吻參議員」而留下的那一幕。我一向不習慣漫無邊際地胡謅瞎猜,所以總是喜歡在Google上東翻西找,找到能讓我「眼見、耳聞」的證據。今天Dana Delany的訪談一出,「應該夠了吧!」我想。打開檔案,把這一幕前前後後重看了幾次,我怎麼也無法認同Jennifer的說法,我不同意她那樣算是「舔」了Dana Delany的手,更別說是「吸吮」了。我或許沒辦法問Jennifer妳當初心裡到底想的是什麼,但是謝謝妳,謝謝妳在這荒謬的第三季裡至少釋出了妳的心聲,謝謝妳把真實呈現在我們眼前。事隔兩年,當這段回憶能有機會從另一個人口中被說出來,我由衷感到幸福之至。 This is the scene that my friend used to refer as ‘hottest.’ This is the scene resulting from what my friend called ‘JB didn’t want to kiss the senator.’ Simply because it’s not my type to guess and talk without evidence, I have ‘googled’ a lot trying to find some that can be seen and can be heard. Today, after reading Dana Delany’s interview, “It’s enough,” I thought. Having the episode on, I ran through this scene several times. I couldn’t agree with Jennifer. That is not qualified to be called ‘licking’ nor ‘sucking.’ I have no way to ask what was in your mind years ago, but thank you, Jennifer, for doing something in some way against this unbelievably crazy season. Thank you for acting the truth. I simply feel great that after two years I still got the chance to hear from the other side that was also in this scene.
When I don’t feel thinking too much or simply want to have some great time, I usually choose something fun, easy, and relaxing to watch while eating dinner. Though that bloody TV show, “Bones,” has gradually invaded my meal time and honestly I have finished the whole Season One along with many suppers. Well, I still won’t quite consider that as relaxing. 當我不想動腦筋、只想輕鬆一下時,我總會選上一些輕鬆好玩的影集趁著吃晚餐時看。雖說那對我而言稍嫌血腥的美國影集《Bones》也開始入侵我的晚餐時間,而我也真的在一邊吃著晚餐的情形下把第一季給看完,我還是沒辦法承認那是個輕鬆的選項。
As for fun, “30 ROCK” could be a very good shot. 說到輕鬆有趣,我想《30 ROCK》會是個不錯的選擇。
I didn’t know who Tina Fey was until last month knowing this name has once come out from someone’s mouth in year 2008. That is how I started watching her popular TV show, “30 ROCK.” Ever since that point, I have been laughing crazily hard watching it. 要不是在上個月知道Tina Fey這個名字曾經在2008年從某個人的嘴巴說出,我可能至今仍不知道Tina Fey這個人,而這也是我會開始看她自編自導自演的影集《30 ROCK》的契機。從那時起,每一次看這部影集,我總是笑得亂七八糟。
“Look! I’m the lady from Flashdance!” this guy said. 「你看!我是電影《Flashdance》裡的那個女孩!」這傢伙這樣說。 When I saw this, I just couldn’t help but laughed hysterically. Right, right, right. The debut of our super star, Jennifer Beals. 當我看到這裡,我不能自己地笑得東倒西歪。對啦!對啦!對啦!我們家Jennifer Beals當年初試啼聲之作。
After that, our dearest Liz Lemon said she has been to Germany ‘partying’ a lot. Though that was actually a lie, she did do some photography… 在這之後,劇中親愛的Liz Lemon又說她大學時在德國也有過很多狂歡的經驗;儘管這不過是她編出的謊言,她卻真的在那裡照過些相… Then, I almost burst into tears. OK! If you want to play in this way, I will join the game, too. How about this, Tina? 於是,我幾乎笑得要噴出眼淚了!好!如果妳想這樣玩,我就奉陪到底了!Tina,不知妳覺得這樣如何?
What can I say? Shouldn’t I call this Tina Fey Glory? (laugh) 我能說什麼嗎?我難道不應該稱這個為「Tina Fey的榮光」嗎?﹝笑﹞
One day, an idea just came to me when I saw Jennifer in this beautiful green dress with her eyes deeply passionate. First time I had this crazy idea. However, I took away her favorite color – green. Maybe, this is the price of LOVE.
These two days, one song kept bothering me. Nothing particular, however, I couldn’t let someone keep singing in my mind without knowing who she was. Going over my CD’s, I finally got it. It’s “Just One Last Dance” of Sarah Connor. At this timing, in some way, it may just perfectly say something of this picture.
這兩天,有一首歌一直纏繞在我心頭,沒什麼特別的,但我就是無法忍受一個陌生人在我腦海裡不停地唱著歌。翻遍了CD,才發現它是Sarah Connor的《Just One Last Dance》,正巧就是在我要發表這篇文章的當口找著。然後,我意外地發現,它似乎在某種層面上呼應了我這張圖。
Just one last dance… oh baby… just one last dance
We meet in the night in the Spanish cafe I look in your eyes just don't know what to say It feels like I'm drowning in salty water A few hours left 'til the sun's gonna rise Tomorrow will come and it's time to realize Our love has finished forever
How I wish to come with you (wish to come with you) How I wish we make it through
Just one last dance Before we say goodbye When we sway and turn round and round and round It's like the first time Just one more chance Hold me tight and keep me warm Cause the night is getting cold And I don't know where I belong Just one last dance
The wine and the lights and the Spanish guitar I'll never forget how romantic they are But I know, tomorrow I'll lose the one I love
There's no way to come with you It's the only thing to do
Just one last dance, just one more chance, just one last dance
I was talking to a friend on MSN. Then, the subject went to Lu's autograph for MWCT. Basically, I just asked if she received hers. Since my sprained ankle has restricted my movement for days, my envelope still sits in my drawer. Suddenly, I jumped to mention Erin's super artistic autograph (well, or messy) and Leisha's cool one so I started demonstrating theirs on MSN window, simply drawing with a mouse. Erin’s, Laurel’s, and then Jennifer’s.
Jennifer’s autograph is usually shown in two different ways: one complete and the other compact.
First, I did the compact one since it was the one commonly seen in the recent years. I guess it gradually developed as Jennifer became more and more famous with “The L Word” going wilder and wilder in the past few years. It actually took me several tries to get this one working all right. Then, I took a step forward and showed my friend the better or, say, prettier way Jennifer has ever signed. It’s the one you might get in her early years as a Hollywood star or if you could get her to sign nowadays when she wasn’t that busy or in a rush.
“Gosh! I’m good!”
That’s the first attempt I made. Remember, it’s simply drawn with a tiny MOUSE!!! Not trying any harder to make it look good, however, I think I just made it perfect. (laugh)
Yes, when I said ‘The Way Jennifer Beals Signs,’ I meant ‘autograph’ not this… (laugh)
Oh! By the way, I can sign ‘Tina’ and ‘Laurel Holloman.’ (laugh again)