February, a month full of excitement, surprises, but also changes. All the entries on this blog seem to remind me of every single moment that has once come into my life. Most of them are good memories but only I know what has been in my mind between those day-by-day gaps. Soon, the calendar turned to another new page, and so was my life.
After the entire February past, Jennifer’s photobook finally came to my door. “The L Word Book” may be its official name but I tend to believe it is just a phrase to describe the condition of this book – an ‘L’ ‘word’ on the cover of a ‘book.’ A black hardcover with leather-like texture makes holding this photobook like holding a treasure. Indeed, it is a treasure. As the pages turned, stories are told, not of others but of the cast.
直等到整個二月完整地過去,Jennifer的攝影集才乖乖地躺在家門口。《The L Word Book》或許是它的正式書名,但對我而言,它卻只是形容這本書的一個代名詞,一本封面上寫著「L」字樣的書。皮質的黑色精裝封面讓拿著這本書反而像是捧著一份珍寶,確實,這是一份貴重的寶藏。當書頁被翻開,故事彷彿在眼前跟著展開,不是別人的故事,卻是這群演員的故事。

Through Jennifer’s photos, through the call sheets, through those interviews, through each smiling face. Even six years after, even 4,629 miles from the set, I can still feel the happiness filled in the air back at those moments.
Picking up the memory is a tiring job. Putting all the pieces together even needs tremendously horrible work. It requires a mind of logic and more importantly a heart of passion. I believe. I believe one must be able to tell when the gift is given from a true heart. I simply feel all the efforts Jennifer has put in this book and thank her for being compelled to do this. There is absolutely no doubt that Jennifer loves this show and she has chosen a wonderful way to leave an incredible gift for all of us – the cast, the crew, and the fans.
It was really fun reading Lu’s note to Jennifer first and then starting reading Jennifer’s words at the very beginning of the book. In the cute hand-written note, Lu said Jennifer would be the first one coming into her mind while thinking of ‘courage.’ In the preface, Jennifer recalled the beginning of this journey. Nine people arrived in Vancouver that day and six of them remained in the show for the following six years. On the set, they were connected by something they could not see – intuition, hope, love, pain, fear, and courage. Use your fingers now.
我是先看了Lu寫給Jennifer的那張紙條後才翻到最前面看Jennifer寫的序,這讓結果變得相當有趣。在Lu可愛的筆跡下,她說如果講到「勇氣」她第一個想到的人是Jennifer。而在序言裡, Jennifer說最初拍攝《The L Word》時有九個人到溫哥華作最終試鏡,其中的六個人留了下來,而一留就留了六年;在《The L Word》的片場裡,她們因著看不見的幾股力量互相牽引著,那些是「洞察力」、「希望」、「愛」、「痛苦」、「恐懼」、「勇氣」。現在,舉起你的手指吧!
Intuition. Hope. Love. Pain. Fear. Courage.
Six characters? How coincident this is! So, if Jennifer took that ‘Courage,’ could I say Laurel took that part of ‘Love?’
Courage to love? Courage for love? Ponder on it. See the difference?
Every time staring at the neat pink ‘L’ on the black cover, I just can not help wondering if that ‘L’ tells about stories of ‘Love’ or if it is whispering “Laurel.”
Tag: Jennifer Beals, Laurel Holloman, The L Word Book
Jennifer Beals' Words About Her Photo Book
3 則留言:
just about Love~
finally i got my book as well, the all memories makes me speechless. zatti/producer
妳好!我最近才要買the l book
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