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Laurel Holloman Talks Life After the 'The L Word'
聽Laurel Holloman談《The L Word》後的生活
When Showtime’s groundbreaking lesbian series The L Word aired its final episode in March, Bette and Tina were on the verge of growing their family and moving to the East Coast. Now that a potential spinoff series has been nixed and a reality series — The Real L Word: Los Angeles — has been greenlighted, SheWired thought it was about time to sit down with one of the most beloved characters on the drama — Laurel Holloman — to talk about reality TV, what her next role is, what she would have happen for Bette and Tina as well as what show she’d most like to appear on next.
Showtime空前的女同性戀電視劇《The L Word》於三月收播後,Bette和Tina將移居東岸、展開她們新的家庭生活。現在已有一續集在蘊釀,它是《The Real L Word: Los Angeles》。SheWored認為現在該是坐下來與其中一位在《The L Word》劇中極受喜愛的角色Laurel Holloman談談真實電視劇的時候了,她期待自己下一個角色是什麼呢?她認為接下來在Bette和Tina之間會有什麼發展呢?當然也包括她最有可能的下一次螢幕亮相機會。
SheWired: What do you think about the new L Word reality series Ilene Chaiken is doing with Showtime?
Laurel Holloman: I think it’s great. Any way that they can keep everything going, I think if Ilene comes up with some great ideas to keep it going, honestly I think it’ll be refreshing to see a reality “L Word” instead of the glossed-over, high-heeled makeup one. Because every day I go to work and I hear things like, “All my friends in the community, we never wear shoes like this.” I fought to wear boots the whole first season. What I say is do the reality show and bring it on. I think it’s great the show is there and you have to embrace it by putting it out and hope it opens up doors. And if it opens the door for a reality show then it has served its purpose. It (The L Word) was groundbreaking; it was phenomenal. It was a gift to be on it. I feel really lucky.
SheWired:妳怎麼看待Ilene Chaiken與Showtime合作的新電視劇─真實的《The L Word》?
Laurel Holloman:我覺得很棒!只要他們能讓這劇繼續下去!我想Ilene會有很好的點子讓這齣新劇繼續發展下去,我衷心地認為比起看塗上濃妝、穿著高跟鞋的假女同性戀來說,真實的《The L Word》應該更能帶來耳目一新的感覺。因為我每天去拍戲時總會聽到些話,像是:「在我們這圈子的人,根本不穿那樣的鞋子!」在整個第一季裡,我完全忘了該穿靴子!我會說:要做就把真實的情況搬上螢光幕上。能把電視劇呈現出來,讓人去發現它、接受它,我覺得是很棒的。如果因此而為真實電視劇打開一扇門,那它也已達到了它的目的。《The L Word》是個突破、驚人的突破!對我來說,能參與其中就是一個很大的禮物,我感到很幸運。
SW: Do you miss the show since it wrapped?
LH: Yeah, I miss the girls. But there are a lot of girls that I keep in touch with. I talk to Erin Daniels and Rachel Shelley almost every day, they both just had children — Erin had a little boy and Rachel had a little girl — and I just talked to Jennifer (Beals) a couple weeks ago. It’s just like a family. I saw Kate Moennig a couple weeks ago. I just feel like we’ll all sort of run into each other in some capacity. Because some people are closer than others and we all sort of gravitate toward each other in some way. I’d like to see a movie to be honest. I hope that the reality show goes and I hope that there’s some sort of movie afterward.
Laurel Holloman:喔!一定的,我很想念那些女孩們,我也一直都跟其中的好些人保持聯絡。我幾乎每天跟Erin Daniels及Rachel Shelley通電話,她們兩個都剛生了小孩,Erin生了個男孩、Rachel生了個女孩;幾個星期前,我才剛跟Jennifer聊了天,我們就像家人一樣!在幾個星期前,我也遇見了Kate Moenning,我真的覺得我們幾個好像在某種程度上不斷地巧遇。有些人可能會跟某些人比較親近,而我們之間就好像有股吸引力般地把我們拉在一起!老實說,我真的希望快點看到《The L Word》的電影!希望在真實的電視劇之後,就是電影了!
SW: What are you working on right now?
LH: I just did an episode of Castle for ABC and I want to guest-spot on what ever is there and what character fits, but it’s hard for a series regular. I really want it to be the right thing. I realize now that you can go with a show and it can literally grow for six years and you want it to be the right thing. I feel like I was given this wonderful gift so I want the next thing I do to be special. But in this economy, it’s a really hard time to try to navigate what to do next. I also have a 5-year-old daughter and an 18-month-old daughter, so I have to figure out how to juggle it.
Laurel Holloman:我剛拍完ABC電視台《Castle》的其中一集,而我也想在某些劇中有客串,任何角色都好、只要合適,但要拍一個連續劇的話,可能就有點難度了。我真的很想做對的事情,現在我明白到:你可能去拍部電視劇,而這齣劇就這樣持續六年,這種情況下,你會希望這是一件對的事情。我覺得我好像被人送了份極好的禮物,所以我希望我做的下一件事也能同樣特別。但是,在現今的經濟情況下,真的很難去找到一條新的路。現在,我有一個5歲大和一個18個月大的女兒,所以我也必須在這當中取得平衡。
SW: Jennifer is doing Lie to Me and Kate is doing Three Rivers …
LH: I just actually read for a Three Rivers spot, but I didn’t get it. I was excited because I thought, “This would be so cool to be with Kate but in a different scenario.” It was the first time I realized that it’s very possible that all of us can end up in a different situation together and the sad thing is that you get out there and you realize that it’s still a very male-dominated industry and it’s still really frustration. I really take a lot of pleasure in seeing a lot of the directors that we worked with (on The L Word) that are still working. I just ran into Jamie Babbit and I’m really tight with Angela Robinson and Alex (Kondracke) and I actually share a nanny with Angela and Alex. I realize that there will probably be other things for everybody. You have to let The L Word die down a little bit and then slowly navigate what ever comes next. I’ll be really interested in the reality show though.
SheWired:Jennifer現在在拍《Lie to Me》,而Kate也正在拍《Three Rivers》…
Laurel Holloman:我其實才剛試過《Three Rivers》裡的一小段,但我沒有得到那個角色。當時我覺得很興奮,因為我想:「如果可以再次跟Kate一起演戲,即使沒有對戲,也是很酷的!」那是我第一次察覺到我們幾個很可能往後會在各樣的情形下碰面,但讓人難過的是,你一跨出去,就會發現演藝圈其實還是一個男性當道的行業,令人感到挫折。我很開心能夠看到好幾個《The L Word》的導演仍繼續工作,我不久前才碰到Jamie Babbit,而我也跟Angela Robinson和Alex (Kondracke)很要好,哈!我甚至還跟Angela和Alex請同一個保姆呢!我意識到,每個人都可能會有其他的發展,你必須讓《The L Word》沉澱一下,然後找尋另一個出口,我真的挺期待那個真實版的。
SW: Ilene had the spinoff — The Farm — with Leisha Hailey at Showtime but they passed on it. Do you know what happened there?
LH: I don’t know a lot about it. I just know there were a lot of talented actresses on it — I think Melissa Leo, who is one of my favorite actresses ever, Laurie Metcalf is really good and Framke Janssen did something and Leisha was always to me the sun that we all revolved around. I just don’t know if it was fully realized and it’s a hard climate to try and sell a spinoff in because there are so many great shows that aren’t going to get picked up at all. I think it was really great that Ilene got that caliber of actresses to come work on her spinoff. I think that was a really good group of actresses.
SheWired:Ilene在Showtime提出另一個續劇《The Farm》,打算由Leisha Hailey主演,但電視台最後沒有通過,妳知道發生了什麼事嗎?
Laurel Holloman:我想我不太清楚。我只知道裡頭有很多很有天賦的女演員,像Melissa Leo,她是我很喜歡的女演員之一;還有,Laurie Metcalf也很棒,Framke Janssen也在其中;對我來說,Leisha就像是個太陽,所以我們總是混在一起。我說不太準在現今這個大環境下這齣劇是否完全可行,因為現在有太多好節目連上檔的機會都沒有。Ilene能為《The Farm》找到這群女演員來真的很厲害,她們都很棒。
SW: Did Ilene approach you at all about the spinoff?
LH: Honestly, not me or Jennifer. I think if you were to do a spinoff with Tina, you have to spinoff with Bette. I just don’t think they know what to do with Tina and Bette. That’s the movie! That’s not a TV show, that’s a movie!
Laurel Holloman:老實說,沒有,Jennifer也沒有。我想,如果你打算找Tina演續集,那麼你就非找Bette不可,我覺得他們真的不知道該拿Tina和Bette怎麼辦了,那將是電影!那不是電視劇,而該是電影了!
SW: If you were going to write the movie of the story of Tina and Bette, what would happen?
LH: Awwww. They have another baby. Or adopt. I’ve adopted a child, so I’m a really big fan of adoption. I’d like to see them do that. There’s this beautiful thing that happened at the end (of the series) where they both were fully realized, where Bette became more relaxed and less controlling and Tina became more assertive and you see this really beautiful balance and you see that you can be in a partnership for a long period of time and still love each other and love the changes. I think they had to have the changes and the forgiveness; there were lots of things for Tina to forgive Bette, and Bette had to forgive Tina for being an asshole, too. That’s growth. That’s love through partnership. When I talk about the show, I really start to miss it.
Laurel Holloman:哇嗚…嗯,她們會有另一個寶寶,領養的。我先前領養了一個小孩,是領養的頭號粉絲,所以我會希望看到她們也這樣做。在電視劇的結尾,你將會發現到一件美妙的事,那就是她們兩個終於明瞭,Bette變得比較放鬆、不再那麼愛掌控一些,而Tina也變得更加有主見,於是乎,你可以看見在她們兩個中間那美妙的平衡;你會在這段關係中發現,儘管時間再長,她們仍然愛著彼此、愛著這些改變。我想她們是需要這些改變,也需要寬恕;在很多事上,Tina需要原諒Bette,在很多事上,Bette也需要原諒Tina,因為Tina也曾是個混蛋。那就是成長了。那就是在一段感情關係中的愛。每當我談起這劇,我就會開始想念它。
SW: Now, without The L Word, there’s so little representation of gays and lesbians on TV. Why do you think that is?
LH: Well, part of it is, you get into the thing where you get into the thinking of are we doing this because it’s trendy or are we doing this because it’s representative of what people want to see right now, and I think it’s representative of what people want to see. I think there’s a lot of great television writers out there right now — and I’m going to say this because I’ve worked with a lot of them — and they’re trying to write more great TV, but what the problem is is that there’s so much reality television programming that it’s turning everything into like The Hills. I’m sorry, but it’s not deserving. If there’s an L Word reality show, I feel like there’s an audience for it because we proved that there’s an audience. It doesn’t have to be in my mind a genre show. It has to just be a show about what’s going on in the world right now. I mean my daughter goes to kindergarten right now and her best friend has two moms and her other best friend is African-American. I mean, this is the school my daughter goes to. This is the world we live in right now, so why is it so marginalized right now? That’s what I have trouble with. I don’t want to get too much on a soapbox, but I wonder if the conversation that you and I are having right now — will somebody be having it in 20 years or will it just be like this is what entertainment is, this is what people want to watch; that we get to watch on TV reflections of ourselves.
SheWired:那麼,現在沒有《The L Word》了,男女同性戀在電視上的發聲似乎也少了,妳怎麼看待此事呢?
Laurel Holloman:怎麼說呢…我們總是容易陷入一個情況,去想:「我們做這件事難道只因為這是時勢潮流?或者,這真的是觀眾想要看到的呢?」我想現在有一大票很好的電視劇作家,我即將要說這些是因為我曾經跟好些人合作過,而他們都試著寫出更好的劇本來,但問題是現在有太多的社會寫實電視劇被扭曲得像《The Hills》,我很抱歉,但這實在是不值得。如果即將有《The L Word》的真實版,我知道那是因為有觀眾,因為我們已經證實了是有觀眾。在我的想法裡,它不需要是個多麼藝術的作品,它只需要是個能夠反應當今社會現實的作品。就好比,我的女兒現在在幼稚園裡,她最好的朋友有兩個媽媽、她另一個好朋友是黑人,這就是我女兒去的幼稚園!這就是我們現在身處的世界!但為什麼我們卻如此地被局限住?這總是讓我很困擾的地方。我不想待在一個肥皂箱上好像大肆主張著什麼,但我在想,20年後,會不會有人也談起現在在我們之間發展出的話題,或者娛樂事業終究仍只是娛樂事業而已?人們想看的是這個─我們都希望能夠在電視上看見自己的寫照。
SW: Would you ever be interested in writing?
LH: I just got an hour lecture on how I should start writing. I have a lot of writers around me, a lot of my friends are writers, my brother is a writer — he’s a novelist — and I still come from an independent film background. I mean, before The L Word that was really the bulk of what I did, so I’d like to think that I’d like to be involved with writing movies. But to be really honest with you, the climate that I see right now, I feel pretty cynical about the ability to get something produced right now. Right now I’m just trying to find really good characters on TV so I can pave my way in that area.
Laurel Holloman:我才剛去上了一個小時的寫作課。我身邊有很多的作家,好幾個朋友是作家,我哥哥也是作家,小說家,但我還是比較傾向獨立電影的。我的意思是,就像我在《The L Word》之前所拍的那些,所以,我想如果要做的話,我大概比較希望是寫電影劇本。但,坦白地對你說,在現在的大環境下,我對電影製作其實是抱著悲觀的態度,所以,現在的我還是傾向在電視劇中找到好角色,在這圈內先站穩自己的腳步。
SW: If you were going to pick any show on TV to have a regular character on, what show would you pick and why?
LH: I would love to be part of Mad Men. True Blood. I think Alan Ball is really creative. I’m also Southern and I was on Angel (for eight episodes) so I would appreciate the vampire thing. And when you watch it, everybody knows he’s writing about so much more. It’s just a beautiful show. I know Sam Trammell, we were friends in New York doing theater together and I just feel like that’s just a wonderful show. I turned it on and was just like, “Yeah, this is what needs to be out there.” I like the message that it sends. So True Blood. Or In Treatment … I also think Weeds is a great show.
Laurel Holloman:我想我會希望可以在《Mad Men》和《True Blood》當中嘎上一角,因為我覺得Alan Ball很有創意,也因為我是南方人,也曾在《Angel》演過八集,所以我挺喜歡吸血鬼劇情的。深入去看的時候,每個人都可以發現其實他想表達的更多、更深層,是個很棒的電視劇。我也認識Sam Trammell,我們在紐約一起玩劇團時是很好的朋友,而我就是單純地覺得那是個很棒的節目,每當我打開電視收看,就會覺得:「是呀!這就是現在所需要的電視劇呀!」我喜歡它所要傳達的訊息,《True Blood》也一樣。喔!還有《In Treatment》也是…我也覺得《Weeds》是一齣很棒的劇。